King Charles III visits Wales for 1st time as monarch

King Charles III visits Wales for 1st time as monarch

Charles was previously Prince of Wales for 64 years

By Karim El-Bar

LONDON (AA) – King Charles III visited Wales on Friday for the final part of his tour of the nations of the UK following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Charles was previously the Prince of Wales for 64 years. He was accompanied on his trip by his wife Camilla, the Queen Consort.

He received condolences at the Senedd, Wales' devolved legislature.

Speaking in both Welsh and English, Charles said: "I know the Senedd and people of Wales share my sadness. Wales had a special place in her heart.

"The land of Wales could not have been closer to my mother's heart. I know she took immense pride in your many great achievements."

The king said he felt an "immense gratitude for the privilege of having been able to serve as prince of Wales," adding that this "ancient title" would now pass on to his heir, Prince William, "whose love for this corner of the earth was made all the greater by all the years he himself has spent here."

Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford praised the late queen, saying her reign was "unrivalled" in its length and reach.

Charles and Camilla also attended a remembrance service at Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff. Gun salutes were fired and they shook hands with members of the public.

Charles has already visited Scotland and Wales, and this evening will return to London to hold a vigil with his siblings beside his mother's coffin, which is in Westminster Hall, and open to the public for paying their respects.

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