Kurdish parties in N. Iraq ink political, economic deal

Kurdish parties in N. Iraq ink political, economic deal

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Gorran movement sign 25-point agreement in Kurdish region’s Erbil

By Idris Okuducu

ERBIL (AA) - Representatives of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Kurdish Gorran movement met Tuesday in Erbil, the Kurdish Regional Government's (KRG) administrative capital, where they signed an agreement touching on a host of political and economic issues.

The 25-article agreement between the two parties, both of which have large blocs in the Kurdish parliament, is ostensibly aimed at promoting cooperation between the two signatories.

The deal touches on several important issues, including Iraq’s system of governance, economic situation and petroleum sector, along with an anticipated referendum to be held in the region.

Gorran ("Change" in Kurdish) stands in opposition to the two-party coalition that currently governs the KRG, which consists of the PUK and the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

*Anadolu Agency correspondent Ahmet Sait Akcay contributed to this report from Ankara

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