Kuwait bans Barbie movie citing ‘public ethics’ concern

Kuwait bans Barbie movie citing ‘public ethics’ concern

Official says film promotes 'ideas and beliefs that are alien to the Kuwaiti society and public order'

By Mahmoud Barakat

ANKARA (AA) – Kuwait's Information Ministry has banned the film Barbie in order to protect "public ethics and traditions," state media said on Thursday.

Lafi al-Subaie, head of the ministry's film censorship committee, said the movie which has topped $1 billion at the global box office, promulgates "ideas and beliefs that are alien to the Kuwaiti society and public order," according to the official KUNA news agency.

The ministry also banned the Australian horror film Talk to Me on similar grounds.

The move came after Lebanon's Culture Minister Mohammad Mortada called to “take all necessary measures to ban showing” Barbie in the country as it “promotes homosexuality and transsexuality.”

Starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling as Barbie and Ken, it has become the first film by a solo female director to surpass the billion-dollar benchmark.

The film was also banned in Vietnam over a scene allegedly showing China’s claimed territory in the contested South China Sea.​​​​​​​

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