Kyrgyzstan set to suspend access to popular TikTok platform

Kyrgyzstan set to suspend access to popular TikTok platform

Kyrgyz Digital Development Ministry requests national internet service providers restrict access to TikTok

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Authorities in Kyrgyzstan on Thursday announced a temporary suspension of access to the popular TikTok platform.

Following a request from the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security, the Digital Development Ministry has decided to implement restrictions on access to TikTok by April 18.

Upon reviewing the request, the ministry found it appropriate and feasible, subsequently instructing national internet service providers to restrict access to the TikTok platform.

This decision comes amid growing concerns from various public organizations over the adverse effects of TikTok on the mental development and health of children. Efforts have been made over the past year to bring attention to these concerns and advocate for action from the government.

Legislation currently pending in the US Congress also seeks to ban TikTok or force it to sell to American owners.

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