Landmine explosion injures 3 Israeli soldiers near Lebanese border

Landmine explosion injures 3 Israeli soldiers near Lebanese border

No confirmation yet from Lebanese, Israeli authorities

By Wassim Saif Al-Din

BEIRUT (AA) – Three Israeli soldiers were injured in a landmine explosion near border with Lebanon, according to Lebanese media on Tuesday.

The blast took place as Israeli bulldozers were scraping the land at the border of Ayta al-Sha’b town, the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar TV channel reported.

Israeli vehicles and bulldozers reportedly left the area after the explosion.

Israeli Channel 12 confirmed the explosion, but gave no information about injuries.

According to the broadcaster, an Israeli vehicle struck a landmine near Lebanese border.

There was no confirmation yet from Lebanese or Israeli authorities.

*Ikram Kouachi contributed to this report

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