Latvian premier announces resignation

Latvian premier announces resignation

Krisjanis Karins accuses coalition partners of undermining dynamism

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) - The Latvian prime minister on Monday announced his resignation, local media reported.

Speaking to the media, Krisjanis Karis remarked that he asked his New Unity party to select a new candidate for the post of premier, according to public broadcaster LSM.

He said that the country needs a dynamic government, adding: “But right now, after lengthy negotiations, it was clear to me that (the current coalition partners) the National Alliance and the United List parties are doing everything to slow down dynamism.”

“If this dynamism cannot be found in this government, a new, other government is needed,” Karins added.

He vowed to support the next candidate for the post of prime minister and to contribute to the formation of a strong coalition government.

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