Leandro Paredes returns to Roma after 6 years

Leandro Paredes returns to Roma after 6 years

29-year-old midfielder-led Argentina won 2021 Copa America, 2022 FIFA World Cup

By Emre Asikci

ISTANBUL (AA) - Leandro Paredes joined Roma from Paris Saint-Germain on a permanent deal, putting pen to paper on a contract that runs until June 30, 2025.

"Coming back to Rome is always a special thing, but doing so now as a Roma player is even more special. I’d like to thank the fans for welcoming me and Roma for bringing me back to the club where I launched my career in Europe," Paredes said in a statement.

"Last year was an incredibly happy one for me with the World Cup, so now I want to keep tasting success and I’m convinced I can do just that with this team," he added.

Parades, who was a Roma player from 2014 to 2017, has played for Boca Juniors, Empoli, Juventus, and Paris Saint-Germain.

The 29-year-old midfielder made 54 appearances for Argentina and helped them win the 2021 Copa America and 2022 FIFA World Cup.

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