Lebanese premier calls on Israel to stop ‘repeated attacks’ on Lebanon

Lebanese premier calls on Israel to stop ‘repeated attacks’ on Lebanon

Prime Minister Najib Mikati calls for end to Gaza war

By Stephanie Rady

BEIRUT (AA) - Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati urged Israel on Saturday to cease its "repeated attacks" on Lebanon and to end its deadly war on the Gaza Strip.

While touring the southern region, Mikati said, “We consistently advocate for peace, and our preference is to pursue peace and implement UN Resolution 1701," according to the Lebanese National News Agency.

On Aug. 11, 2006, the UN Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 1701, which demanded a full cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel.

"Israel should cease its ongoing attacks on Lebanon, halt the war on Gaza, and all parties should adhere to Resolution No. 2735,” Mikati said.

Resolution No. 2735 advocates for achieving a comprehensive cease-fire agreement and facilitating a hostage exchange deal, ensuring the provision of sufficient and sustainable humanitarian aid to all areas of the Gaza Strip.

“This visit expresses our solidarity with the southern region and its residents. We stand in full solidarity with them and closely monitor their situation,” said Mikati.

“We stand with our people, the resistance is fulfilling its obligations, the Lebanese government is fulfilling its duties, and our objective is to safeguard the country in every aspect,” he added.

Tensions have soared along Lebanon's border with Israel amid cross-border attacks between the Lebanese group Hezbollah and Israeli forces as Tel Aviv pressed ahead with its deadly offensive on the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 37,800 people since last Oct. 7.

Hezbollah has linked the cessation of its attacks on Israel to the end of Tel Aviv’s onslaught on Gaza.

* Writing by Ikram Kouachi

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