Lebanon council orders army to resist Israel aggression

Lebanon council orders army to resist Israel aggression

Israel's planned border wall would violate Lebanese sovereignty, Supreme Defense Council asserts

By Wassim Seifeddine

BEIRUT (AA) - Lebanon's Supreme Defense Council gave a mandate to the military on Wednesday to confront Israeli aggression on the country’s borders.

At a meeting chaired by President Michel Aoun and held in Beirut’s presidential palace, the council warned Israel that its plans to build a wall along the shared border would constitute a violation of Lebanese sovereignty and UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

In August of 2006, the UNSC unanimously adopted the resolution, which called for a cessation of all hostilities in southern Lebanon following a devastating conflict between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah group.

“The council will continue to act on the regional and international levels with a view to preventing Israel from building its planned separation barrier," the council said in a statement.

The Defense Council is mandated with setting -- and implementing -- Lebanon’s national defense policy.

Headed up by the president, the council includes the prime minister and two deputies, along with the ministers of defense, foreign affairs, finance, economy and the interior.

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