Lebanon to report Israel's airspace violation at UN

Lebanon to report Israel's airspace violation at UN

Lebanese president speaks with premier, parliament speaker about Israeli violation

By Furkan Guldemir

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AA) - Lebanon on Saturday decided to file a complaint against Israel at the UN Security Council for allegedly violating the country’s airspace, according to the country’s presidency.

Lebanese President Michel Aoun spoke to Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri over the phone about Israel’s violation of Lebanese airspace during its air operation in Syria, a presidential statement said.

The statement also said the Defense Ministry and Presidency of General Staff submitted reports on Israel’s violations to the Presidency; Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil is expected to raise the issue at the UN Security Council.

Later on Saturday, fragments of rockets, which Israel had used in airstrikes in Syria, landed on the Lebanese territory, according to an Anadolu Agency correspondent on the ground.

Some fragments landed in the rural area of Ser Ain town of eastern Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley. Shrapnel pieces also reportedly landed in Ali en-Nahri town.

No casualties were reported.

Earlier on Saturday, Israeli army shot down an Iranian drone launched from Syria and struck a number of Iranian targets in the war-torn country, according to the Israeli military.

Later the Israeli military said an Israeli fighter aircraft crashed in northern Israel following a raid in Syria.

One of the pilots, the army said, had been seriously wounded as a result of an emergency evacuation from his F-16 jet that came under Syrian fire.

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