'Let's Save Our Country': Kenyan dailies issue joint call for peace amid ongoing protests

'Let's Save Our Country': Kenyan dailies issue joint call for peace amid ongoing protests

Leading dailies urge reconciliation among political leaders for national stability

By Andrew Wasike

NAIROBI, Kenya (AA) - In a rare show of unity, Kenya's prominent newspapers, including the Daily Nation, Taifa Leo, Standard, The Star, and People Daily, issued a collective call for national reconciliation and an end to the escalating violence on Thursday.

Under the shared headline, "Let's Save Our Country," the dailies made a compelling plea for peace as protests entered their second day.

The editors addressed President William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga, urging them to find common ground and defuse the mounting tension engulfing the East African nation.

The protests were sparked by frustrations over increasing taxes and high fuel prices, with citizens expressing discontent over the government's handling of economic challenges.

Clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement on Wednesday during the three-day opposition protests resulted in casualties and injuries. Six people were confirmed killed, and dozens injured as authorities grappled to maintain control.

As the nation faced the fear of looting and potential violence on the second day of protests, the newspapers stressed the importance of peaceful demonstrations and maintaining law and order.

They called for restraint on both sides to prevent further escalation of violence and safeguard the lives and well-being of Kenyan citizens.

According to the police, the protests last week resulted in loss of lives,14 people died, most of them from gunshot wounds.

The toll from anti-government protests since March reached a distressing figure of 30 lives lost, Amnesty International reported. Houghton Irungu, the executive director of Amnesty International in Kenya, called for urgent investigations and prosecution of police officers and their commanders for excessive use of force.

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