Libya’s Haftar anticipates ‘unity’ gov’t within month

Libya’s Haftar anticipates ‘unity’ gov’t within month

UN-sponsored National Conference will be held on April 14 in Libya’s town of Ghadames

By Jihad Nasr

TRIPOLI (AA) - Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar has reportedly hinted that a “unity government” could be drawn up “within weeks or a month”.

According to a source close to the military commander, Haftar made the assertion on Saturday while addressing young people in the eastern city of Benghazi.

Haftar, the source added, had attributed the phenomenon to “the failure of Libyan leaders to provide the country’s young people with adequate employment opportunities”.

Officials from Libya’s Tripoli-based government have yet to comment on Haftar’s reported remarks.

Late last month, however, Ghassan Salameh, the UN’s envoy to Libya, said a UN-sponsored National Conference would be held on April 14 in Libya’s northwestern town of Ghadames.

Libya has been beset by turmoil since 2011, when a bloody NATO-backed uprising led to the ouster and death of President Muammar Gaddafi after more than four decades in power.

Since then, Libya’s stark political divisions have yielded two rival seats of power -- one in Tobruk and another in Tripoli -- and a host of heavily armed militia groups.

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