Libya’s parliament passes law for rebuilding flood-hit areas

Libya’s parliament passes law for rebuilding flood-hit areas

Deadly floods struck eastern Libya last month, killing more than 4,000 people

By Muetaz Wannes

TRIPOLI, Libya (AA) – Libya’s parliament on Tuesday passed a law to establish an agency responsible for rebuilding flood-hit areas in the country.
Eastern Libya was ravaged by deadly floods caused by Mediterranean storm Daniel on Sept. 10, killing more than 4,000 people and leaving behind a massive trail of destruction.
Derna was hardest hit by the floods, causing the city's dams to burst, washing away homes and people.
“The House of Representatives voted to pass a law to establish an agency for reconstructing areas affected by the floods,” parliamentary spokesman Abdullah Belhaq said in a statement.
This came during a session held by the assembly in the eastern city of Benghazi on Tuesday.
The eastern government has called for holding a donor conference in October for rebuilding the flood-hit areas in Libya, before postponing the conference to November.
On Monday, United Nations envoy to Libya Abdoulaye Bathily voiced concern over the emergence of unilateral initiatives for the reconstruction of flood-affected areas in Libya.
Libya has been mired by political divisions since the fall of strongman Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. The situation worsened last year when the East Libya-based parliament appointed a new government led by former Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha.
Head of Tripoli-based government Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, however, rejected the decision, saying he would cede power only to a government that comes through an "elected parliament."
Last month, Libyans took to the streets in Derna to demand the rebuilding of their homes and bringing those responsible for the flood disaster to accountability.

*Writing by Ikram Kouachi

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