Live discussion on Lebanese TV escalates into fistfight

Live discussion on Lebanese TV escalates into fistfight

Troops intervene to stop fighting, according to footage circulating on social media

By Idiris Okuduci

BEIRUT (AA) – A discussion between a senior journalist and a former minister on a private television program in Lebanon turned into a fistfight.

Simon Abou Fadel, one of Lebanon's senior journalists, and Wiam Wahab, a former environment minister, on Thursday, were the guests of political talk show, It's About Time, on the Beirut-based MTV television channel.

During the discussion, an initial verbal spat between Fadel and Wahab escalated into a serious fistfight.

The brawl did not stop despite the intervention of security in the studio, and continued outside the television building.

According to footage circulating on social media, Lebanese soldiers intervened to take control of the situation.

Kaynak:Source of News

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