Lufthansa to apply environmental surcharge on tickets up to $77

Lufthansa to apply environmental surcharge on tickets up to $77

Surcharge to be applied to all tickets issued from Wednesday with departure beginning from Jan. 1, 2025

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) – Germany’s aviation giant Lufthansa on Tuesday announced that it will levy a surcharge on ticket prices to cover additional costs incurred due to regulatory environmental requirements.

The firm will begin to apply environmental cost surcharge on departures from the 27 EU countries, as well as the UK, Norway and Switzerland, it noted.

The surcharge will be applied to all tickets issued from Wednesday with departure beginning from Jan. 1, 2025.

The surcharge will vary depending on the flight route and fare, ranging from €1 ($1.07) to €72 ($77.2), it added.

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