Majestic ancient theaters in Türkiye among top touristic attractions

Majestic ancient theaters in Türkiye among top touristic attractions

Ancient theaters such as Ephesus, Aspendos, Hierapolis in Türkiye are like paradise to those who want to sail through history

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) - Majestic ancient theaters that empowered art in ancient cities are today among the top tourist attractions in Türkiye.

As theater stages play an aesthetic and educational role in social life, ancient theaters such as Ephesus, Xanthos, and Myra in Türkiye are among paradises for those who want to sail through history.

The Ancient Ephesus Theater in the western Izmir province stands out with its splendidly preserved structure.

As the ancient Ephesus theater has a history dating back 2,300 years, it could accommodate up to 24,000 spectators.

Only around three hours away from Ephesus, the ancient Hierapolis theater in the western Denizli province was built in the third century AD during the reign of the Roman Empire Hadrian. Hierapolis could accommodate up to 12,000 spectators.

Türkiye’s western Mugla province is home to another majestic ancient theater, Bodrum Antique Theatre.

The theater was built in the 4th century BC and it has all the characteristics of theaters before the Roman Imperial Period.

The ancient theater in Mugla seats around 12,000 spectators.

The Turkish Mediterranean resort city of Antalya is also home to many ancient theaters such as Xanthos, Antiphellos, Myra, Aspendos, and Termessos.

The Ancient Aspendos Theater was built during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

It is known as one of the best-preserved Roman theaters in the entire Mediterranean and accommodates between 15,000 and 20,000 spectators.

Myra is another well-preserved Roman theater that was built in the 2nd century AD.

The Antiphellos Theater in Kas, Antalya is believed to be a work of the Hellenistic era. It has 26 caveas (benches) overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

Also, the Xanthos theater was built in the 2nd century AD and it could seat around 2,200 spectators.

Termessos which could accommodate between 4,000 and 5,000 spectators, was also built in the 2nd century AD.

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