Marcos ends 7-year emergency in southern Philippines

Marcos ends 7-year emergency in southern Philippines

State of emergency was imposed in 2016 due to lawlessness in Mindanao

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Thursday ordered the lifting of a seven-year emergency in the southernmost part of the Southeast Asian nation.

A statement from his office said the state of emergency was lifted “after the peace and order situation … has significantly improved” in Mindanao.

The state of emergency was imposed by Marcos’ predecessor Rodrigo Duterte in 2016 on account of lawlessness in Mindanao.

Duterte had earlier served as mayor of Davao, a major Mindanao city, where he won seven terms and served for over 22 years.

“Through successful focused military and law enforcement operations and programs that promote sustainable and inclusive peace, the government has made significant gains in improving and restoring peace and order in the region,” the statement stated.

It added the move “will boost economic activity and hasten the recovery of the local economy.”

The Filipino presidency said the state of emergency was imposed in view of the violence perpetrated by private armies and local warlords, bandits, criminal syndicates, terrorist groups, and religious extremists across the island groups.

Kaynak:Source of News

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