Meteor shower to be observed at Türkiye’s Mount Erciyes

Meteor shower to be observed at Türkiye’s Mount Erciyes

Meteor observation event will be organized on Aug. 12 in central Kayseri province

By Ramazan Kaya

KAYSERI, Türkiye (AA) – A meteor observation event will be organized on Aug. 12 in the central province of Kayseri by the municipality and provincial Science Center.

The event will be held in the Mount Erciyes Ski Center Hacilar Kapi, the Kayseri municipality said in a statement, adding the event will be open to everyone to experience and photograph the meteor shower.

It is expected that up to 100 meteors per hour will be observed, which will last throughout the night.

A meteor shower is a celestial occurrence in which a large number of meteors are seen to radiate from one point in the night sky. These meteors are caused by streams of cosmic debris called meteoroids entering Earth's atmosphere at extremely high speeds on parallel trajectories.

*Alperen Aktas contributed to the story from Istanbul

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