Military wreckage falls in Jordan, no casualties

Military wreckage falls in Jordan, no casualties

The wreckage was found shortly after an Israeli plane crashed during a raid in Syria

By Laith Joneidi

AMMAN (AA) – Military wreckage fell Saturday in Irbid city in northern Jordan, according to local media.

Alghad newspaper said wreckage belonging to a plane or a missile fell in Malka area in Irbid and that a competent authority was dealing with it.

The daily, citing a security source, said no injuries were reported.

There was no comment from Jordanian authorities on the report.

The wreckage was found shortly after Israel said a warfighter crashed in northern Israel during a raid on military targets inside Syria.

On Saturday, the Israeli army said its forces had shot down an Iranian drone launched from Syria and struck several targets inside the war-torn neighbor.

Syria’s official SANA news agency, meanwhile, said the Syrian anti-aircraft missiles hit more than one Israeli fighter jet during the raid.

Last year, a similar incident took place in Irbid, with Jordanian authorities saying that shrapnel fell in the city after Israeli anti-missile systems intercepted rockets fired from Syria.

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