Millions of Ukrainians at risk amid Russian attacks on critical infrastructure: UN

Millions of Ukrainians at risk amid Russian attacks on critical infrastructure: UN

Attacks have further damaged Ukraine’s energy system at time when temperatures have dropped below zero, says UN spokesperson

By Betul Yuruk

UNITED NATIONS (AA) - The United Nations warned Monday that Russia's latest missile strikes on critical infrastructure in Ukraine are “putting millions of civilians at risk'' from freezing temperatures.

''Another wave of missile strikes today has left millions without electricity and water in some regions in the north, center and south, as well as in the capital Kyiv,'' Stephanie Tremblay, an associate UN spokesperson, told reporters.

She said water supply has been compromised due to the lack of electricity to run the pumps in Odesa, and the heating system in Dnipro and Odesa have also been impacted.

''The attacks have further damaged Ukraine’s energy system at a time when temperatures have dropped below zero in most of the country and reached -8 degrees in Kyiv,'' said Tremblay.

"These repeated attacks on the energy system are putting millions of civilians at risk of freezing temperatures, particularly people living on the frontlines without access to heating, water and essential services."

Some 40% of the Kyiv region was left without electricity, according to Ukrainian authorities.

Air raid alerts sound in Ukraine almost on a daily basis due to possible missile and drone strikes, which have targeted the country's civilian and energy infrastructure since the war began on Feb. 24.

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