Moldovan security service ending agreements with Russian counterparts

Moldovan security service ending agreements with Russian counterparts

Cooperation with Russian special services was stopped as of Feb. 24 last year, and such agreements ‘no longer meet Moldova’s national interests,’ says SIB

By Dmitri Chirciu

CHISINAU, Moldova (AA) - Moldova’s Information and Security Service (SIB) said Monday that it is terminating its partnership and cooperation agreements with Russia’s intelligence and security services.

Following legal procedures, the SIB has terminated its partnership agreement with Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) and it plans to withdraw from a cooperation agreement with Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

Saying that cooperation with Russian special services was stopped as of Feb. 24 last year with the beginning of Russia's war on Ukraine, the SIB noted that such agreements “no longer meet Moldova’s national interests.”

Official notifications have been sent to the relevant Russian authorities, the statement added.

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