Montenegro's 'laziest citizen' record broken, with 12 contestants still in beds for over120 hours

Montenegro's 'laziest citizen' record broken, with 12 contestants still in beds for over120 hours

12 participants still in the race after breaking previous record held by Dubravka Aleksic, who won competition in 2021 by lying down for 117 hours, says organizer

By Talha Ozturk

BELGRADE (AA) – A national record for the traditional "laziest citizen" in Montenegro was set on Wednesday when 12 contestants continued to be in their beds for more than 120 hours.

The contest had 21 participants, but nine dropped out and 12 are still lying down for more than 120 hours, breaking the previous record held by Dubravka Aleksic of the capital Podgorica, who won the competition in 2021 by lying down for 117 hours.

The competitions, which began last Friday and are still ongoing among 12 participants in Etno village, 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from Podgorica, competition organizer Mico Blagojevic​​​​​​​ told Anadolu.

This is a one-of-a-kind competition that distinguishes Montenegro in Europe, owing to the widespread belief that Montenegrins are "lazy."

The humorous traditional contest kicked off in the Ethno village of Brezna, near Niksic city, with a record-breaking 21 participants competing for a prize of €1,000 ($1087) and the title of "laziest citizen."

Blagojevic told the media that the annual contest was first held 12 years ago in response to the widespread myth that Montenegrins are "lazy."

"So the whole world got to know us," he said, adding that this year's competitors include Dubravka Aleksic, who set the 117-hour bedtime record in 2021.

Participants competing while lying down are allowed to sleep, eat food and drink beverages, read books, and use the phone, according to the competition rules. Standing up, on the other hand, is a rule violation.

Competitors are allowed to use the restroom every eight hours.

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