More diplomacy, not tanks, needed to stop Ukraine war: German opposition

More diplomacy, not tanks, needed to stop Ukraine war: German opposition

Left Party urges German government to work for cease-fire in Ukraine, join international peace efforts

BERLIN (AA) – Germany’s opposition Left Party has urged the government to stop arms deliveries to Ukraine, and actively work for a diplomatic solution to the conflict.

“We need diplomacy instead of tanks. Germany must join the international peace initiatives and actively work for a cease-fire, and peace negotiations,” Amira Mohamed Ali, the party’s parliamentary group leader, said in a statement.

She underlined that more and more military experts are coming to the conclusion that this war cannot be decided on the battlefield.

Ali also demanded an end to the use of German ports for international arms shipments to Ukraine.

She said the US’ use of German ports for sending heavy weapons to Ukraine, including tanks and helicopters, was unacceptable.

“The German government obviously has no control over which weapons are delivered to Ukraine via German ports. I consider this blind trust to be highly dangerous,” she said.

“By supplying arms, and transporting weapons from other countries, Germany is increasingly depriving itself of the opportunity to play a de-escalatory role in this conflict,” she added.

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