More than 45 held in Turkey anti-narcotics operations

More than 45 held in Turkey anti-narcotics operations

Operations have been carried out in Izmir, Zonguldak, Elazig, Istanbul, Adana provinces

By Mustafa Yildirim and Ferdi Akilli

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish security forces have arrested 47 suspects in nationwide anti-narcotics operations, according to a police source Saturday.

In coastal western province of Izmir, gendarmerie detained 37 suspects after a four-month long chase involving 36 different addresses after testimony was taken from two remanded suspects, the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media, said.

During the operations aided by a sniffer dog, security personnel also confiscated an undisclosed amount of marijuana as well as an unlicensed shotgun.

Another anti-narcotics operation targeted 11 addresses in the Black Sea province of Zonguldak, Istanbul and eastern province of Elazig; at least eight suspects were held during the raids.

Separately, two Syrians, identified by initials M. A. and V. S. Z., were arrested after an operation carried out in southern province of Adana, the police source added.

During the raid, anti-narcotics teams also seized around 250,000 drug pills hidden inside tires of a truck which was allegedly en route to PYD/PKK terrorists in Syria through the border province of Hatay.

Kaynak:Source of News

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