Muhammad Ali Salam Passed Away

Muhammad Ali Salam Passed Away

Pioneer of İslamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) Muhammad Ali Salam Passed Away

Muhammad Ali Salam who was the main person to get land for iconic ISBCC, has passed away.

Coonsidently enough yesterday Sijauddin Khalifa visited Muhammad Ali Salam and wr ote the message below about him.

“Reflection - Muhammad Ali-Salaam's Sadaqa Jariya (Ongoing Charity)

Unfortunately, it's not often I visit the sick prior to their passing. Earlier today, a few close friends visited our beloved friend Muhammad Ali-Salaam. By Gods permission, his passing seems to be in the near future. His wife and children have accepted what God has decreed, and are at peace with it. SubhanAllah, they are all very faithful, putting their trust in their Lord.

When I stood by Muhammad Ali-Salaam bedside, I prayed for God to forgive him. That these last few nights are blessed nights for him, and that when he returns to his Creator, that it is a Eid for him, inshaAllah.

As I stared at his frail body, one thing that I kept thinking about - the ISBCC is his sadaqa jariya (ongoing charity). For those who don't know who Muhammad Ali-Salaam is, he was an integral part of the construction of the ISBCC. May the ISBCC be his ongoing charity that benefits him even after his passing, Ameen!

I recall when I first volunteered at the ISBCC, he would give tours of the mosque, tell us stories of his experiences getting the land and building the mosque for the Boston Muslim Community. When Mayor Menino passed away, a few of us, along with Muhammad Ali-Salaam, went over to Mayor Menino home and handed a book filled with condolences to Mayor Menino widow.

And so it's with that same mindset, that I sincerely ask you, to please pray for Muhammad Ali-Salaam. That our prayers be written for him and handed to him as a source of purification and goodness. That God forgives him, blesses him, and makes his return to His creator an easy journey, filled with blessings and light, Ameen! That all the good he has done for the Boston Muslim community weigh heavily on the scales of good deeds for him, and for each and every person who prays, prayed, and will pray at the mosque he helped built, be a source of goodness for him, Ameen.”

Muhammad Ali Salam’s Janazah will be at ISBCC tomorrow right after JUMUAH prayer.

May Allah SWT forgive his sins and put him highest level in Jannah


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