Multinational military drill concludes in Pakistan

Multinational military drill concludes in Pakistan

20 countries, including Türkiye, participated in 3-day exercise

By Aamir Latif

KARACHI, Pakistan (AA) - A multinational military patrol drill involving 20 countries, including Türkiye concluded in Pakistan on Thursday.

The closing ceremony of the 7th Pakistan Army Team Spirit Exercise-2024 was held at Kharian Garrison in the northeastern Punjab province, which was presided over by Pakistan’s army chief Gen. Asim Munir, said a statement by the military.

The three-day exercise was conducted in the semi-mountainous terrain of Punjab.

International observers and defense attaches of participating countries also attended the ceremony.

Seven teams from the Pakistani army and 15 teams from Türkiye, the US, Bahrain, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Morocco, Qatar, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand participated in the exercise.

Azerbaijan, China, Germany, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Myanmar witnessed the exercise as observers.

The army chief, while addressing the ceremony, appreciated the participating teams for their “professionalism, physical and mental endurance, and high morale displayed during various stages of the exercise.”​​​​​​​

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