Muslims, Christians, Buddhists meet for iftar in Stockholm

Muslims, Christians, Buddhists meet for iftar in Stockholm

‘We benefit from climate of love in Ramadan with our Christian, Buddhist friends,’ says Swedish Islamic Federation

By Atila Altuntas

STOCKHOLM (AA) - Representatives from Muslim, Christian and Buddhist communities came together for an iftar, or fast-breaking meal Saturday in Stockholm.

Chairman of the Swedish Islamic Federation, Tahir Akan, said Ramadan brings people from different religions and cultures together in a climate of love.

“Today, we benefit from the climate of love in Ramadan with our Christian and Buddhist friends. From now on, we will continue our dialogues and try to come together in these beautiful atmospheres,” he said.

Turkish Ambassador to Sweden Yonet Can Tezel thanked the Swedish Federation of Islamic Associations for organizing the dinner.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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