Myanmar junta loses airport to rebels as cease-fire breaks down: Reports

Myanmar junta loses airport to rebels as cease-fire breaks down: Reports

Buddhist ethnic armed group Arakan Army reportedly takes over Thandwe Airport in Rakhine State

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – Myanmar junta lost control of an airport in Rakhine State to rebel groups who said Tuesday a cease-fire with the government has ended.

The Thandwe Airport was taken over by Buddhist ethnic armed organization Arakan Army (AA) on Sunday, Myanmar Now news reported.

It is located close to a base of the Myanmar army’s Light Infantry Battalion 566 and to beach resorts outside the town of Ngapali.

Meanwhile, Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) said it resumed anti-junta offensive in the northern Shan State after the Burmese military violated cease-fire multiple times, Myanmar Now news website reported.

TNLA, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and AA are part of what is known as Brotherhood Alliance.

The Brotherhood Alliance had entered a cease-fire pact, also referred to as Haigeng agreement, with junta due to mediation by China.

However, clashes between MNDAA and the junta forces in northern Shan State led to the breakdown of the pact.

The three allies had launched coordinated offensive against junta last October which had resulted in widespread displacement of natives.​​​​​​​

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