NATO deputy secretary general arrives in Ankara

NATO deputy secretary general arrives in Ankara

Rose Gottemoeller to meet Deputy Foreign Minister Yildiz, Ministry's Undersecretary Yalcin, deputy Undersecretary Esener

By Nazli Yuzbasioglu

ANKARA (AA) - The deputy secretary general of NATO arrived in capital Ankara on Monday as part of her two-day official visit, according to a diplomatic source.

Rose Gottemoeller is set to hold meetings with Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmet Yildiz, Ministry's Undersecretary Umit Yalcin and deputy Undersecretary Kaan Esener, the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media, said.

Ahead of her meeting at the Foreign Ministry, Gottemoeller participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at Ataturk's Mausoleum. She is expected to later attend the NATO Centre of Excellence for Defence against Terrorism.

During the second-day of her visit Tuesday, Gottemoeller will visit the 3rd Army Corps and Multinational Joint Warfare Centre Command, and deliver a speech at the National Defense University.

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