NATO sends aid to flood-hit Slovenia

NATO sends aid to flood-hit Slovenia

‘This is NATO solidarity in action,’ says alliance’s secretary general

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – NATO member countries have begun providing urgent aid to flood-stricken Slovenia, the alliance said Monday.

Speaking by phone with Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed his condolences and NATO’s strong solidarity with Slovenia, it said in a statement.

“I welcome that NATO Allies stepped up with immediate offers of support, including helicopters, modular bridges, excavators and engineering expertise,” Stoltenberg said.

Severe weekend flooding has affected two-thirds of the country, killing at least six people and leaving hundreds homeless.

Upon Slovenia’s request for assistance via NATO’s Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) following flooding caused by record rainfall last week, Spain offered a heavy CH-47 helicopter with up to 25 personnel, including a crew and supporting staff.

NATO allies are also providing support through the European Union and bilaterally. Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany and France have offered support including helicopters, excavators, prefabricated bridges and engineering teams.

The US has also deployed staff to the capital Ljubljana to assess the situation and determine urgent humanitarian needs.

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