NATO to continue to work with Iraq in fight against terrorism: Stoltenberg

NATO to continue to work with Iraq in fight against terrorism: Stoltenberg

'Everything we do in Iraq is in full respect of Iraq's sovereignty and territorial integrity,' says alliance’s secretary general

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Monday that the military alliance will continue to work with Iraq in promoting stability and fighting terrorism.

Speaking in Brussels ahead of a meeting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, Stoltenberg said NATO attaches great importance to its training mission in Iraq, adding that NATO trainers work together with Iraq's Defense Ministry and Office of the National Security Advisor.

“And of course, everything we do in Iraq is in full respect of Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“It's based on your wish, your demand. But we are glad that we can continue to work together because we know that the fight against terrorism is something that matters for you,” he added.

“You have paid a high price in that fight, but we will stand with you and we will continue to work with Iraq in promoting stability and fighting terrorism.”

Hussein thanked NATO for its activities in Baghdad and said that relations between NATO and Iraq are "quite good and improving."

He expressed his gratitude to NATO for its mission in Baghdad.

"They are doing a great job training our people, and we are hoping that we can widen the task to other fields and we are ready to discuss that."

He also thanked NATO for its cooperation with Iraq's fight against the Daesh/ISIS terrorist organization.

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