Nearly one-third of Bulgarians long for pre-1989 communist era: Survey

Nearly one-third of Bulgarians long for pre-1989 communist era: Survey

28% prefer post-1989 democratic era

Ihvan Radoykov

SOFIA, Bulgaria (AA) - Nearly one-third of Bulgarians long for the pre-1989 communist era, according to a survey released Tuesday.

Asked: "In which historical period would you like to live if you have a choice?," 32.6% indicated the time of communism (1946 - 1989), said a survey by the National Center for Parliamentary Studies.

Most of those who expressed a positive opinion about the communist era live in smaller towns and have lower educational backgrounds.

But 28% of respondents said they prefer to live in the post-1989 democratic era.

What is noteworthy is that more than 9.5% of respondents said they would prefer the pre-1944 tsardom era.

Kaynak:Source of News

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