Netanyahu's party leads in polls ahead of Israel ballot

Netanyahu's party leads in polls ahead of Israel ballot

A new survey showed Likud party would win 31 seats in Knesset

By Abdelraouf Arnaout

JERUSALEM (AA) – Right-wing Likud party has overtaken Blue and White, a center political alliance, three weeks before Israel's general election on April 9, a new survey showed Monday.

The survey published by Kan channel showed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu-led Likud party would win 31 seats in Knesset (Israel's parliament) against 30 seats for the Benny Gantz-led coalition.

This is the first time the Likud surpasses Blue and White alliance since the latter was formed around one month ago.

The Labor Party came in the third place with nine seats.

The survey was conducted by an Israeli private company of 583 random Israelis.

The Israeli government requires approval of at least 61 Knesset members out of total 120.

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