Nigerians welcome return of looted bronze 120 years later

Nigerians welcome return of looted bronze 120 years later

Dozens of artifacts were taken to Europe from the country's southern Kingdom of Benin

By Olarewaju Kola

LAGOS, Nigeria (AA) - Nigerians on Thursday welcomed the return of bronze looted and taken to Europe over 120 years ago from the country's southern Kingdom of Benin.

Laide Nasir, an arts researcher and academic, said the return of the Okukur bronze to Nigeria by the Scotland’s University of Aberdeen would strengthen cultural exchanges between his country and Britain.

Dozens of bronze pieces and historical artifacts were looted during the British invasion of the kingdom in 1897.

"The bronze and other artifacts are our cultural heritage. They are our history and it brings joy that lost history was brought back," said Lucky Ihienire, a culture activist.

The kingdom in southern Nigeria was founded around the 11th century and lasted until it was annexed by the British Empire in 1897.

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