North Korea removes street lights along inter-Korean roads

North Korea removes street lights along inter-Korean roads

South Korea says it is analyzing motive behind dismantling of street lamps

By Anadolu staff

North Korea has removed street lamps along its side of two roads connecting the two Koreas, according to South Korean media on Thursday.

Last month, the South Korean military detected North Korea removing street lamps along the Gyeongui road, which connects the South Korean city of Paju to the North's Kaesong, Yonhap News Agency reported.

"(We) are analyzing the motive behind the (dismantling), and I understand it currently has no military impact," the agency quoted Col. Lee Sung-jun, spokesperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as saying.

In November last year, South Korea announced suspending part of a 2018 military agreement between the two countries in response to Pyongyang's launch of a spy satellite.

Later, North Korea also announced abandoning a 2018 inter-Korean agreement signed to reduce tensions and restoring all military activities halted under the deal.

The 2018 agreement created buffer zones along land and sea boundaries and no-fly zones above the border.

*Writing by Islamuddin Sajid

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