North Korea’s Kim shares stage with Russian defense chief at military parade

North Korea’s Kim shares stage with Russian defense chief at military parade

Chinese delegation also attends parade marking 70th anniversary of North Korea’s 'Victory Day'

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – Russian Defense Minister Gen. Sergey Shoygu shared the stage with Kim Jong-un as the North Korean leader presided over a military parade to mark the 70th anniversary of North Korea’s "Victory Day."

A delegation led by Li Hongzhong, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People’s Congress, also attended the parade, state-run KCNA News reported.

The military parade was held on Thursday night in the capital Pyongyang, the first since February.

Pyongyang has held five military parades since October 2020 at night.

According to North Korea-focused NK News, the military parade also "showed new drones conducting flyovers and on trailers rolling through the parade square, as well as new 'Haeil' underwater drones and the country's largest nuclear missiles."

The North Korean leader on Wednesday received the Russian delegation and discussed ways to further boost bilateral cooperation. They also visited the Weaponry Exhibition-2023 event showcasing new weapons and equipment.

The Korean War started on June 25, 1950, and ended on July 27, 1953, after the signing of the armistice agreement, ending hostilities although a peace deal has never been signed.

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