Nurses in England, Wales announce new walkouts in February

Nurses in England, Wales announce new walkouts in February

Union says February strikes 'will be most widespread protest so far'

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Nurses in England and Wales will stage walkouts in February after talks for better pay broke down.

“February will see NHS nursing staff go on strike in what will be our most widespread protest so far against unfair pay and unsafe staffing,” the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) said in a statement on Monday.

If there is no progress in talks with the UK and Wales governments by the end of January, there will be strikes on Feb. 6-7, the union said.

There were strikes by nurses in England, Northern Ireland, and Wales last month.

In England, nurses are also set to stage walkouts this Wednesday and Thursday.​​​​​​​

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