Ousted Catalan leader announces government in exile

Ousted Catalan leader announces government in exile

Following unilateral independence vote last October, Carles Puigdemont fled Spain to Belgium

By Serife Cetin

BRUSSELS (AA) – Ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont on Wednesday announced that he would establish what he called a "government in exile" in Brussels.

Puigdemont, who fled to Belgium following a unilateral independence vote on Oct. 1., said he would assign a deputy for the government in Catalonia.

Puigdemont said the government, to be named the “Republican Council,” might be established on Feb. 18, and he would be sworn into office in Brussels.

If Puigdemont returns to Spain, he will be automatically arrested, as he faces serious charges of rebellion and sedition for leading the Catalan parliament to declare independence last October.

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