Over 20% of forested areas in Greece’s central Attica region burned since 2017

Over 20% of forested areas in Greece’s central Attica region burned since 2017

11 large forest fires destroyed 2.5M acres of land, says meteorological agency

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – Wildfires burned 23% of the forested areas in Greece’s central Attica region, which includes the capital Athens, since 2017, the country’s major meteorological forecast agency said on Monday.

From 2017 till this July, 11 large fires in the region destroyed some 2.5 million acres of forested areas in the region, according to Meteo Gr.

The management of forest fires requires an integrated approach that will incorporate cutting-edge knowledge from different sciences such as fire weather forecast, it added.

Meanwhile, the Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Ministry warned of a high risk of wildfires for Tuesday.

The Attica region, the northern port city of Thessaloniki, as well as the southern Peleponesse region, are among the nine regions under risk, the ministry said in a statement.

It advised the citizens to be extremely careful and avoid actions that could cause fires, including burning dry grass and branches or cleaning residues, and the use of outdoor grills.

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