Over 2,100 people crossed English Channel over past 7 days

Over 2,100 people crossed English Channel over past 7 days

756 migrants were detected on Aug. 10, a record for this year so far

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - As many as 2,163 people crossed the English Channel via small boats over the past seven days, according to Home Office data on Thursday.

The figures revealed that a total of 40 small boats were detected crossing the English Channel from Aug. 10-16.

While Aug. 13 and Aug. 15 were the only two days when no crossings were reported, 756 migrants were detected in the Channel on Aug. 10, a record for this year so far.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says tackling the problem of irregular migration via small boats, also known as Channel crossings, is among the top priorities of his government.

But arrivals continue despite efforts to tackle the issue, including the controversial Rwanda plan, Illegal Migration Bill and most recently, housing asylum seekers on "more cost-effective forms of accommodation" such as disused military bases and barges.

The most common small vessels detected making these types of crossings are rigid-hulled inflatable boats, dinghies and kayaks.

The government has also increased fines for those who allow "illegal migrants" to work for them or live in their properties.

According to official data, a record 45,756 migrants crossed the Channel to the UK in 2022.

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