Over 25K people dead in US from gun violence so far in 2023: Monitor

Over 25K people dead in US from gun violence so far in 2023: Monitor

25,193 people fatally shot through Aug. 1 with number of mass shootings on pace to end near recent highs

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) – Over 25,000 people have been killed across the US in gun-related violence this year, according to a monitor's data on Tuesday.

The Gun Violence Archive counted 25,193 people who were fatally shot through Aug. 1. That includes 11,135 people who died as a result of gun-related homicides, murders, unintentional shootings, and defensive gun uses. Some 14,058 people died from gun-related suicides.

The current year is on pace to end around the level of US mass shootings seen in recent years with 421 counted so far in 2023. The archive tallied 86 mass shootings in July alone, the most counted of any month so far this year. May's 79 mass shootings are the second-highest while February and March are tied for the lowest levels at 40 each.

Overall, there were 647 US mass shootings in 2022, down slightly from the 690 tallied in 2021.

The number of mass shootings saw a dramatic spike in 2020 when the figure hit 610, a significant jump from the 417 counted the year prior.

In all, 22,175 people have been injured as a result of gun-related violence in 2023, according to the archive. Over 580 children have been shot so far this year in addition to 3,325 teenagers.

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