Pakistan claims to have arrested 6 Indians trying to smuggle drugs, weapons

Pakistan claims to have arrested 6 Indians trying to smuggle drugs, weapons

Pakistan Army accuses Indian border force of ‘complicity in narco and weapons smuggling’

By Necva Tastan

ISTANBUL (AA) - A day after accusing India of violating the cease-fire along the Line of Control (LoC), Pakistan claimed on Tuesday to have arrested six Indians while attempting to smuggle drugs, weapons, and ammunition into the country.

“It is surprising that these smugglers could cross the heavily fenced border under perpetual surveillance of the Indian Border Security Force (BSF). It shows likely complicity of BSF troops in narco and weapons smuggling,” the state-run Radio Pakistan reported, citing a statement from the Pakistan Army’s media wing – Inter-Services Public Relations.

The arrests were made by Pakistan's paramilitary Rangers between July 29 and August 3.

"These Indian smugglers will be dealt as per law for illegally entering into Pakistan and indulging in nefarious activities," the statement said.

The Pakistan Army “expects” the BSF to “act professionally, ending connections with smuggling groups on their soil,” it added.

The claim comes a day after the Pakistan Army claimed on Monday that Indian armed forces resorted to “unprovoked” firing at the Kashmir border, killing a 62-year-old man.

The incident took place in the Nikial sector of the Line of Control (LoC), a de facto border that divides the disputed Jammu and Kashmir region between the two nuclear rivals.

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