Pakistan, US infantries begin 2-week anti-terror joint military drills

Pakistan, US infantries begin 2-week anti-terror joint military drills

'Pakistan-United States Infantry Rifle Company Exchange Exercise-2024 is a bilateral joint exercise in Counter Terrorism domain to exchange tactical skills,' says Pakistan Army

By Islamuddin Sajid

ISLAMABAD (AA) – Infantries of Pakistan and the US have begun a two-week anti-terror joint military exercise in northwestern Pakistan, the army said on Wednesday.

The two-week exercise commenced on Saturday at the National Counter Terrorism Centre in Pabbi town, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, with participation from Pakistani and US infantry companies, according to a statement from the Pakistan Army's media wing Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

“Pakistan-United States Infantry Rifle Company Exchange Exercise-2024 is a bilateral joint exercise in Counter Terrorism domain to exchange tactical skills at combating the menace of terrorism at sub-unit level,” the statement said.

The exercise aims to share Counter-Terrorism experiences while also refining drill procedures essential for counter-terrorism operations.

The scope of the exercise envisages gaining marksmanship skills during urban warfare by understanding best practices adopted at the sub-unit level, it said.

Earlier this year, US troops took part in a multinational military patrol drill involving 20 countries that was also held at the National Counter Terrorism Center in Pabbi.

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