Pakistan's Supreme Court strikes down act seeking review of judgements

Pakistan's Supreme Court strikes down act seeking review of judgements

Supreme Court (Review of Judgements and Orders) Act 2023 declared unconstitutional

By Kiran Butt

ISLAMABAD (AA) - Pakistan’s Supreme Court on Friday struck down a law concerning court judgements, terming it unconstitutional.

The decision on the Supreme Court (Review of Judgements and Orders) Act 2023 was reserved by a three-member bench on June 19. The law provided a right to appeal under Article 184(3), which gives the court power to assume jurisdiction over any “question of public importance.”

The verdict, however, said the law was out of the scope of parliament's legislation, and is "accordingly struck down as null and void and of no legal effect."

The apex court said the parliament cannot legislate regarding any matter relating to its “jurisdiction and powers.”

The legislation was introduced by the coalition government, whose tenure ended earlier this week, and was passed by the National Assembly on April 14. It received approval from the Senate on May 5 and sent to President Arif Alvi who signed the act into law.

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