Palestine: Israel destroys land, trees in East Jerusalem

Palestine: Israel destroys land, trees in East Jerusalem

IMEMC News & Agencies: Israeli forces destroyed land and trees early Wednesday morning in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Issawiya.

IMEMC News & Agencies: Israeli forces destroyed land and trees early Wednesday morning in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Issawiya.

Accompanied by scores of police and border police officers, Jerusalem municipal bulldozers razed land in the East Jerusalem village of Issawiya from 4.30 a.m. Wednesday morning. The Israelis further uprooted and destroyed approximately 150 almond, palm and peach trees.

Israel also destroyed land in this area in March of this year.

The land razed is part of an area designated by Israel to become a ‘national park’ on the lands of Issawiya and neighbouring East Jerusalem village of A-Tur.

This plan, approved in 2014 and currently on hold, will involve the confiscation of some 700 dunams of land from the two villages, according to the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, Adalah.

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