Palestinian death toll from Israeli attacks on Gaza climbs to 7,703

Palestinian death toll from Israeli attacks on Gaza climbs to 7,703

3,595 children among victims, says Health Ministry in Gaza

By Ikram Kouachi

The Palestinian death toll from the ongoing Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7 has risen to 7,703, the Health Ministry in Gaza announced on Saturday.

The fatalities included 3,595 children, the ministry said in a statement.

It said 19,734 citizens have been injured since the start of the attacks.

The ministry also stated that Israel "committed 53 massacres" in the violent bombardment on the Gaza Strip overnight.

The Israeli army on Friday widened its air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip, which has been under relentless airstrikes since the surprise offensive by Hamas on Oct. 7. International aid agencies said they lost contact with staff in Gaza after Israel knocked out internet and communications.

Gaza's 2.3 million residents are grappling with shortages of food, water, and medicine due to Israel’s massive air bombardment and total blockade of the enclave.

The UN General Assembly called for an immediate humanitarian truce, with 120 states voting for a resolution put forward by Jordan. Israel, however, rejected it.

Meanwhile, the death toll in Israel stands at more than 1,400.

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