Paramilitary group in Sudan ready to negotiate with army under certain conditions

Paramilitary group in Sudan ready to negotiate with army under certain conditions

Rapid Support Forces leader willing to reach deal if army changes leadership

By Omer Erdem

KHARTUM, Sudan (AA) - Rapid Support Forces (RSF) Commander Mohammed Hamdan Daglo, who has been fighting the army since April, said Sunday that the group is ready to reach a deal within 72 hours if there is a change in the army's leadership.

Daglo announced in a video recording on the RSF's social media account that it is ready to reach an agreement if the army's chief commander surrenders.

He said the RSF confronts not only the army but unlawful groups. Daglo said the RSF does not kill civilians or engage in looting.

The RSF’s leader’s absence since April had been interpreted as him being either injured or killed.

The message comes after more than three months of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the RSF paramilitary group in the capital of Khartoum and states in western Sudan.

Thousands have been killed and millions displaced since the eruption of the war in Sudan, which was already suffering from tribal clashes and economic troubles.

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