Parts of southern France on maximum alert for wildfires

Parts of southern France on maximum alert for wildfires

Scorching temperatures also expected in Bouches-du-Rhone, Sud-Est, Var, and Vaucluse

By Alaattin Dogru

Many regions in southern France were placed on high wildfire alert on Thursday due to the risk of wildfires.

According to the Meteorological Administration, scorching temperatures are expected in the areas of Bouches-du-Rhone, Sud-Est, Var, and Vaucluse.

A "very high risk of wildfire" has led to a red alert in Bouches-du-Rhone, while in three areas of the Sud-Est region, an orange alert – a level below – has been issued for the risk of forest fires.

In the nearby Var and Vaucluse regions, the public has been told to be vigilant for potential fires.

This is the second time since June that a red alert has been declared in Bouches-du-Rhone, and five wooded areas in the Var and Vaucluse regions have been closed to tourists.

French authorities say that nine out of 10 wildfires in the country are caused by human activities.

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