People ‘eating pet food’ in Welsh capital Cardiff as cost of living rises: Report

People ‘eating pet food’ in Welsh capital Cardiff as cost of living rises: Report

Local community worker says people do not get paid enough to pay for essentials, according to BBC Wales

By Ahmet Gencturk

ANKARA (AA) - People are having to eat pet food while others try to heat food on a radiator in the Welsh capital Cardiff, local media reported on Thursday.

According to BBC Wales, Mark Seed, who presently runs a community project in the eastern part of the capital, said that he is “shocked by the fact that we have people who are eating pet food.”

"These are shocking kind of stories that are actually the truth," he said.

Seed underscored that people were not being paid enough to afford the essentials, as the cost of living goes up.

Also speaking to BBC Wales, Elizabeth Williams, who lived in eastern Cardiff for almost 30 years, remarked that she often hears about the families who work hard but still are not able to give their children what they want.

"It's heart-breaking sometimes because some of them are worse off than others but they've got to do it to keep them and their children sane,” she said.

Meanwhile, the latest census results indicate that Wales, as a whole, has seen an improvement in deprivation in the last 10 years.

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