Phone alert forces Turkish Airlines jet to divert

Phone alert forces Turkish Airlines jet to divert

Boeing 777 carrying 300 passengers lands in Belgrade after unattended cellphone found in cabin

BELGRADE, Serbia (AA) – A Turkish Airlines Boeing 777 carrying 300 passengers and crew made an unscheduled landing on Wednesday at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla Airport after an unattended cellphone was found onboard.

According to Anadolu Agency reporters in Serbia and Nikola Tesla Airport officials, the Istanbul-London passenger flight departed Istanbul Ataturk Airport at 8.34 a.m. local time (0534 GMT).

During the flight, cabin crew found the device and after making announcements pilots contacted Nikola Tesla Airport to make the unscheduled landing.

Flight TK1979 landed at 11.15 a.m. Turkish time and is expected to take off and continue its flight to London after security checks.

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